Thursday 9th November

School performance – Duologie – Emilie Calmé and Laurent Maur

Emilie Calmé et Laurent Maur à la Médiathèque Albert Camus

2 performances: 10 am and 2pm

Keep an eye out: it is sometimes around the corner that you can make the most important meeting of your life!
Under his looks of bad boy, Laurent is a virtuoso of the harmonica; Émilie a brilliant and applied flutist. The only thing they have in common is this piece of sidewalk on which they play for passers-by. At first suspicious, they gauge each other, then challenge each other, looking for concert after concert, from New York to Dehli, until finally becoming inseparable. Taming the blue note of one, the lyrical flights of the other, a duo is born before our eyes, in a moving journey from the street to the velvet of the greatest scenes.
Duologie is a pocket musical, a small silent cinema filled with melodies, from Bach’s Minuet to Coltrane’s Naïma, from Django Reinhardt to hand-stitched compositions. It is also a true story told with the fingertips, and that touches the heart.


All audience, from 6 years old
Duration: 50 min to 1 hour/ Teatching booklet available

Flutes: Emilie Calmé
Harmonicas: Laurent Maur
Directed by: Olivier Prou
Artistic collaboration: Pauline Calmé
Creation lights: Anthony Desvergnes
Music: S. Bach, B. Lagrène, D. Reinhardt, J. Coltrane, T. Murena, R. Kirk, original compositions


Emilie Calmé et Laurent Maur à la Médiathèque Albert Camus

Inscription écoles: Médiathèque Albert Camus -  département musique : +33 (0)4 92 19 52 07

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